Staff on our Connecting for Good Cov project recently received some great feedback on their introduction to Collaboration Station – why it happens and its links to the movement against isolation in Coventry, powered by community action.
So they made a handy little five-minute video!
Gemma, a community organiser for Grapevine, is here to tell you more about the monthly open ideas night known as Collaboration Station. The ONLY place to be on the third Wednesday of each month.
When Gemma asked the core organising team if they wanted a break to plan longer term, they said no. People need a space to come together, to connect with purpose, they said.
Dates for March, April and May to gather people together were put into the diary instead.
More of us know what isolation feels like thanks to the pandemic but what are we going to do about it?
What next?
- Join us at the next Collaboration Station to find out more, online for now. Click here for next event details
- Follow @ConnectingforGoodCov on Facebook and Instgram for the latest local news and updates
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- Visit to explore what it’s all about.