About Us… week two of the Coronavirus Time Capsule

Our video project helping young people ease their feelings of isolation by sharing lockdown experiences, in partnership with Belgrade Theatre, has entered another week.

Last week, we showcased the teenagers’ introduction to the Coronavirus Time Capsule and now the group has completed week two’s instalment, About Us. This time, they’re revealing their favourite hobbies and interests and how they’ve been using them to infuse days at home with a bit of fun.

The idea for a weekly time capsule originated from Company Three, a youth theatre company in London. Their initiative has expanded across the globe to demonstrate how young people are not alone in having many of the same feelings during the pandemic.

Our Teenvine Plus programme was already working with young people involved in the time capsule project who have a learning disability or autism to grow their circles of support and confidence to take charge of their own lives. The time capsule is just one way to help them express themselves during this unprecedented time. It will also add new skills to their repertoire when the programme picks up it’s face-to-face work later this year.

Look out for the third video later this week and watch week one on our YouTube channel here.

Read more on Belgrade Theatre’s website here and watch other time capsules here.