Today is the day we reconvene a core group of ‘thinkers and doers’ from our first ever public sector summit last month – to talk action!
The UN-LOCK down summit on 10 November gathered almost 70 key professionals around a virtual table to spark what we believe is an urgent conversation about how the public sector could cement new ways of working accelerated by the pandemic into everyday practice.
We’re galvanising these public sector changemakers before the door to possibility closes and usual service resumes.
We experienced the unstoppable power of community during the first national lockdown last Spring. When the regular state of play was suspended, protocols relaxed and we all worked together to solve the problem in front of us.
The public sector shared leadership with those most willing to adopt it. Sometimes the council, sometimes the voluntary sector, sometimes community groups. Today we’re asking for further commitment to action and some real plans to sustain the change.
- – How can we all keep shared humanity as a motivator?
- – How can we model and normalise new ways of working around permission, risk and shared purpose?
- – How do we continue collaborating together on end goals and outcomes that meet everyone’s needs?
We’ll be discussing these questions and more today with around 30 of our original 68 guests. Examining our report from November’s first summit and figuring out what practical steps we take next.
“It means us deconstructing a world that we’ve all become comfortable with, in order to construct something bigger and better.”
(Kulwant Basi, Business Manager at Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust)
Click the image below to read our public sector summit report on a mobile device or click here to view it as a document on your PC.
Look out for further updates on our progress in Coventry and Warwickshire soon.